The club runs a session for Adults with learning disabilities every Saturday from 1.30pm – 2.30pm. The cost of each session is £7.00.
The session is designed to be fun and active and is available for all abilities. Two coaches and several volunteers run the session.
Parents and careers are welcome to use the club house where tea and coffee can be made!!
If you have any difficulty in paying this amount please contact the club where help is available.
For Bookings and More information contact Dave Sanger; on; 07812 676761 /

Tennis For Everyone

The Club runs Adult sessions on a Saturday 12-1.15pm
£7 per session. Please enquire with Dave for info on Children sessions. First session free!
If you have a physical impairment or are a wheelchair user why not try tennis at Southbourne Tennis Club. We have great coaching and accessible facilities. You can play against and alongside non-wheelchair players, friends and family, the only change to the game is that wheelchair players are allowed up to two bounces of the ball.
Wheelchair tennis is available to anyone with a physical disability; you don’t have to be a wheelchair user in your everyday life to use this piece of equipment, equally you don’t have to use a chair if you want to play the sport ambulatory. The choice is yours!
For Booking and More information contact Dave Sanger; on; 07812 676761 /

Maybe you think tennis isn’t for you? Or maybe you’re not sure you’ll be able to play it? Well, here at Southbourne Tennis Club, we’d just like you to know that it most definitely is for you. It’s for anyone.
Tennis really is a sport that anyone can play. It can be adapted for any level of ability, impairments or disability.
And whatever you think might be holding you back, take it from us, it isn’t. We can supply all the equipment and aids you need. We’ve got sports wheelchairs if you have a physical disability. And tennis balls that make a noise when they bounce if you’re visually impaired. There’s nothing stopping you from giving it a go and having just as much fun playing the game as everyone else.
For More information contact Dave Sanger; on; 07812 676761
The club runs coaching sessions for people who are Visually Impaired
Please enquire for more details
There are more opportunities for people who are blind or partially sighted to play tennis than ever before. And we’re delighted to say, more and more people are taking it up.
The visually impaired (VI) version of the game is played on a smaller court than usual, with a lower net. We also use an audible ball so you can hear it bounce. Depending on your sight, you’re allowed up to three bounces before returning.
The sessions are designed to be fun and active and are for all abilities.
For More information contact Dave Sanger; on; 07812 676761 /
We have had a trial with the Deaf Club, which we offered free of charge. We hope to extend this area of our programme but will depend on funding.
The club runs session every Saturday for children with Down syndrome ages 6-12 from 11.15am – 12noon & ages 13+ from 11.30am – 12.25pm.
The session is designed to be fun and active and is available for all abilities. LTA qualified tennis coaches and volunteers run the session.
Parents and careers are welcome to use the clubhouse or to help out in the sessions!!
The cost of each session is £7.00. If you have any difficulty in paying this amount please contact the club where help is available.
For More information and booking a free trial session contact Dave Sanger; on; 07812 676761 /
Tennis really is a sport that anyone can play. It can be adapted for any level of ability, impairments or disability. And whatever you think might be holding you back, take it from us, it isn’t. We can supply all the equipment and aids you need. There’s nothing stopping you from giving it a go.
Southbourne Tennis Club is a dementia friendly Club, we welcome anyone with dementia and their relative’s, careers and friends.
The coaches and many volunteers and members have taken part in dementia friends training and will understand the needs of players with dementia.
We believe that tennis should be fun and available for all and would like to encourage players of all abilities to take part.
We can provide you with tennis rackets and balls so why not come to the club and tennis for free.
For More information contact Dave Sanger; on;
07812 676761
We also work with Victoria Education school, Linwood school and Portfield Wessex Autism School.