Southbourne Tennis Club News


By |2019-08-20T20:27:55+01:00August 20th, 2019|News|

The good news is the medals are in. This can mean only one thing….it’s time for our regular Box League social! Yes indeed, our worthy winners and runners-up will be presented with their medals at our next Box League social evening. This will be held at The Ludo Lounge in Southbourne, on Thursday 29th August at 7pm. We look forward to seeing you there!


By |2019-08-20T20:27:03+01:00August 20th, 2019|News|

A note from Celia Barron our Match Secretary….

Are there any members out there who have never been asked to represent the Club in one of our teams, yet think they are strong enough to be considered?

If so, please make a point of making yourself known to either Celia or Dave Sanger (Head Coach) as soon as possible, as they are currently sorting out the teams for the winter season.


By |2019-08-20T20:26:25+01:00August 20th, 2019|News|

Our Summer Open Junior Tournament is now in full swing (no pun intended)!

As there will be no play taking place tomorrow, Tuesday 20th August, the Tuesday morning club play session will now go ahead as planned.

We thank you for your patience and understanding.


By |2019-08-20T20:25:48+01:00August 20th, 2019|News|

A reminder entry forms for this year’s Club Championships are now available from the club house.

The deadline for entries is Sunday 25th August, so please make sure you hand your completed entry form to one of the coaches or pop it in the post box when you’re next at the club. Best of luck to all members taking part!


By |2019-08-12T23:53:22+01:00August 12th, 2019|News|

Enjoy stepping back in time and reliving the sounds from years past, with an evening of music and dance! Whether it’s the “Old Tyme” music hall melodies, or you prefer the sounds of the 60s and 70s, then this event is for you!

Aidan Foy, one of our club members, is organising a “Vintage” Social Evening at Corpus Christi Church Hall on Saturday 24th August, starting at 7pm. Tickets cost just £10. Tony Patching, another of our members, will also be performing on the night.

To encourage as many of our members to attend and support this event, £4 from each ticket purchased by a member will be donated towards the amazing work the club does with our disability groups.

So get your family and friends together for a great night of musical entertainment. People are invited to bring along their own food and drink for the evening.

For further details and to purchase tickets, please call Aidan on 07775868253

Our thanks to Aidan for supporting the club in this way.

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