Southbourne Tennis Club News

Monday evening club sessions

By |2019-07-30T10:43:22+01:00July 30th, 2019|News|

There has been some confusion recently during the redesign of the club web site about who these sessions are for . So I would like this opportunity to clarify this once and for all to avoid further confusion and upset. They are only for members who are of team standard. We would be grateful if all members would respect this so that those members who are of a higher standard have the chance to play with people of a similar level. Thank you for your help and support.


By |2019-07-18T16:06:11+01:00July 18th, 2019|News|


With the start of the new Premier League football season just weeks away, that can mean only one thing….Fantasy Premier League!!!!

Southbourne Tennis Club would like to invite members’ entry into the FREE Southbourne Tennis Club Fantasy League! No prizes, it’s just for fun!

For those already familiar with the game and have a team set up:

Simply login to your team.
Click create and join leagues, followed by join an existing league.
Under the heading, ‘choose a league type to join’, click join private league.
You will then be asked for a code. To join the Southbourne Tennis Club League you will need to enter code: gqrz15 then click the join league button to confirm.

For those new to the game, before selecting your team, you will first need to create an account by going to and clicking on the sign up now button in order to register. Enter your details using the online form and follow the on screen instructions to complete your registration. Once registered, build your team, then follow the instructions above to enter the Southbourne Tennis Club League.

Any problems please speak to either Matt Sanger (league admin) or me.

Please note: Ideally teams should be confirmed before the first match kicks-off on Friday 9th August. However, members can join the competition at any stage.

Best of luck!

Andrew King


By |2019-07-17T08:16:02+01:00July 17th, 2019|News|

Just a note to say that Peter Richardson will be organising a maintenance morning for Sunday 4th August. Jobs will be allocated on arrival! We are always grateful for any offers of help members can provide in assisting Peter with making sure the club is kept looking it’s best at all times.


By |2019-07-17T08:15:17+01:00July 17th, 2019|News|

Preparations are now in full swing, ahead of the Littledown Family Day on Sunday 28th July, 11am – 4pm. This will provide a great chance for people to see what a fantastic club we are and to learn more about the different opportunities we provide for both members and non-members alike.

We are still on the lookout for offers of help throughout the day which will include talking to visitors and providing information about the club, as well as assisting our coaches with fun tennis games and demonstrations. Again, if there are any members, especially junior members, who are willing to spare an hour or two of their time, please get in touch with Dave, the coaching team, or myself, if you would like to get involved.


By |2019-07-17T08:14:39+01:00July 17th, 2019|News|

A further reminder to members, that on Saturday 20th July, the club will be taking part in the LTA Great British Tennis Weekend. The aim of this event is to encourage more people to get involved playing tennis, as well as taking the opportunity to showcase what our club has to offer. The club will be running a three hour session from 10am – 1pm, which will involve a range of activities, including junior and mini tennis, cardio tennis, disability tennis, as well as free use of the facilities for all the family to enjoy.

We would really appreciate it if any members, particularly junior members, would be willing to help Dave and the coaching team run any of the activities throughout the session, or to offer any general help when required. Please either speak to Dave and his coaching team or drop me an email if you are happy to help in any way.

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