Southbourne Tennis Club News


By |2019-07-10T08:19:10+01:00July 10th, 2019|News|

Southbourne Tennis Club will once again be taking part in the Great British Tennis Weekend. This is a national event, run on behalf of the LTA, with the aim of encouraging more people to get playing tennis. The club will be running a three hour programme of events on Saturday 20th July, 10am – 1pm, which will involve a range of activities, including junior and mini tennis, cardio tennis, disability tennis, as well as free use of the facilities for all to enjoy.

If any members are willing to help Dave and the coaching team run any of the sessions throughout the day, or to offer help with signing people in, that would be great. Please speak to Dave and his team should you wish to get involved or for more information.


By |2019-07-10T08:18:32+01:00July 10th, 2019|News|

A big thank you to everyone who came and supported our Members Fun Day. Despite the intense heat, it didn’t put people off attending and taking part in the many activities on offer throughout, what was a very enjoyable day.

Another big thank you to those members who all bought tickets and supported the club, by entering our raffle to win the use of a beach hut for a week. In total we raised a magnificent £227! Your support is very much appreciated. To conclude our fun day, the draw was made to reveal our lucky winner. Congratulations to Aidan Foy who wins this fantastic prize!


By |2019-07-10T08:17:53+01:00July 10th, 2019|News|

The club are excited to announce that we will be taking part in the Littledown Family Day on Sunday 28th July between 11am – 4pm. This will provide a great chance for people to see what a fantastic club we are and to learn more about the different opportunities we provide for both members and non-members alike. Preparations are still ongoing. However, we will be looking for offers of help throughout the day. This will include talking to visitors and providing information about the club, as well as assisting our coaches with fun tennis games and demonstrations. Again please speak to Dave, the coaching team, or myself, should this be something you might like to get involved with.


By |2019-07-02T11:37:28+01:00July 2nd, 2019|News|

Don’t forget there is still time to sign-up for our Wimbledon Fun Tournament this coming Sunday 7th July, 10am -12noon. I would be grateful if members that are intending to play could sign up, as soon as possible, to ensure the tournament can go ahead as planned. Please note: Wooden rackets for this tournament can be supplied if needed! £5 entry to include cream tea refreshments!


By |2019-06-26T22:28:44+01:00June 26th, 2019|News|

A polite reminder to all members that our FREE, yes that’s FREE, Members Fun Day, will be taking place this coming Saturday, 29th June, from 12.30pm. Bring along your friends and family to enjoy an afternoon of activities including: The speed gun…you think you’ve got the quickest serve? Measure it with the speed gun to find out! Demo the latest rackets, ball machine, win fantastic prizes, experience disability coaching and of course, not forgetting our coaches exhibition match which you won’t want to miss. Refreshments served all day, including BBQ at small additional cost. We look forward to seeing you there!

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