Southbourne Tennis Club News

Maintenance morning

By |2019-06-16T16:16:57+01:00June 16th, 2019|News|

Held 9th June

Huge thanks to those who took part! Keith was kept out of trouble painting fences.  The patio was tidied and we started a deep clean in the mens’ changing rooms, Ladies and Disabled to be done shortly.

Hello from Andrew

By |2019-06-03T22:23:09+01:00June 3rd, 2019|News|

Hello and welcome from your new Social Secretary!

Before I go on to tell you about our fantastic raffle prize, I first just wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself and to say a huge thank you, on behalf of everyone at the club, to my predecessor, Sarah Stout, for all her time and energy as social secretary. I know she will be greatly missed by all on the committee. Fortunately for me, Sarah has kindly agreed to help as I get familiar with the role. I have very big shoes to fill!!!

Also a big thank you to those members who currently volunteer their time to help run events at the club. It is very much appreciated. I am hoping to expand the list of helpers, so if anyone else can spare an hour or two of their time, that would be great!

In order to have a mix of different social events, which appeal to as many members as possible, I am always keen to hear your suggestions. Please email me at with any ideas you may have.


By |2019-06-03T22:22:25+01:00June 3rd, 2019|News|

One of our members, Colin Gilbey, has kindly donated the use of his Beach Hut for a week (Saturday 27th July – Saturday 3rd August 2019) as a raffle prize.

Situated between Manor Steps and Portman Ravine, the hut comes complete with the use of: 2 Sun Loungers, 2 Reclining Chairs, 2 Plastic Chairs, 2 Parasols, 2 Hob Gas Ring, Wind Break (and hammer!) Tea, coffee and sugar are also provided!

To be in with a chance of winning this much sought after prize, raffle tickets can be purchased from the clubhouse at £5 a strip.

The lucky winner will be announced at the forthcoming Members Open Day on Saturday 29th June 2019.


By |2019-05-23T23:01:20+01:00May 23rd, 2019|News|

Thank you to Jan Lawson for sourcing new door mats. This is much appreciated and will hopefully help with the endless task of trying to keep the sand outside.

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