Southbourne Tennis Club News


By |2019-05-23T22:59:47+01:00May 23rd, 2019|News|

Peter Richardson will be running another maintenance morning on Sunday, 9 June so put the date in your diary if you can spare a half hour or so to pop along and help out with a chore or two in and around the club house. Thanks again to the volunteers who painted the fence last weekend. It’s looking very smart.


By |2019-05-23T22:59:05+01:00May 23rd, 2019|News|

Here is a reminder to members of the fixed club playing times for red, green and team players.

Red members morning session – Tuesdays 9 – 11am
Green members morning session – Mondays – 10-12am

Red members club night – Thursdays 6-8pm
Green members club night – wednesdays 6-8pm

Red and green mixed club session – Friday 9-11am and Sunday -10-12pm

Team players only session – Monday 7-9pm


By |2019-05-23T22:58:29+01:00May 23rd, 2019|News|

A gentle reminder that Colin Gilbey and Paul Woods are hosting a fun tournament 10-12 on Sunday, 2 June in place of the usual Sunday club session. Demand for the tournament has been high so currently they expect to use the 5 available courts for the tournament. Therefore the usual Sunday morning session/courts will not be available that week.


By |2019-05-23T22:57:34+01:00May 23rd, 2019|News|

Please allow me to welcome, on behalf of all the committee, our two new committee members:

Andrew King – Social Secretary
Carolyn Day – Treasurer

Thank you to both of you for agreeing to give your time to the club and become members of the committee. We’re all sure you’ll both be excellent in your new roles!

A huge thank you to Martin Cavey who has served on the committee for eight years. Your time and commitment as Treasurer is greatly appreciated.

I have stood down as social secretary however I will stay on unofficially (although not on the committee) as junior social secretary. Andrew and I will be working out how best to share the role going forward. If anyone would like to offer time, energy and ideas to social events, please do contact us as Andrew will be looking to get an idea of who is interested in contributing to social events over the next few months.

French Open fun tournament

By |2019-05-15T11:55:02+01:00May 15th, 2019|News|

Sunday 2nd June 09.45 – Midday. To be followed by baguettes, various cheeses, ham, wine, soft drinks & other delicious nibbles.

Numbers limited so sign up quickly to avoid disappointment. Sign-up sheet in the clubhouse.

Cost £5 per entrant.

Summary of rules:

Doubles, initial partners drawn from hat, 15 mins timed play, winners move up one court and split up, losers stay on same court and split. Total six matches to be played

Note – normal Sunday morning Club Open session will be suspended.

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