Southbourne Tennis Club News

Your clubhouse made perfect!!!

By |2019-05-15T10:50:34+01:00May 15th, 2019|News|

Do you or any one you know have skills to help us think through a makeover for the clubhouse?

If you know about interior or exterior design, architecture, construction or just a flair for making a little money go a long way, we need your help.

We are looking for things we can do simply, easily and cheaply to make the clubhouse a more sociable space, useable by as many groups in the club as possible.

Not got much time? Don’t worry a quick chat and a few ideas will do. More time? Help us get stuck in and make some changes.

Please ring Richard on 07831 657145 or drop him an email at

Maintenance morning

By |2019-05-15T10:49:33+01:00May 15th, 2019|News|

Please note that there will be a maintenance morning this Sunday from 10am, weather permitting.

Peter plans to paint the fence so if you’re able to spare a half hour to pop along and assist, all help is always very much appreciated 🙂

STC Annual Membership Fees

By |2019-05-07T10:22:47+01:00May 7th, 2019|News|

You will soon receive the usual reminders/request for payment of annual membership fees. This email simply highlights some of the changes for the new membership year.

The annual fees due from 1st June are as follows:
Adults £215
Over 65’s £161.25
Juniors £90 – as last year, but reduced to £80 if paid before June 31st
Family £420 – this is a new membership group for 2 adults and 2 children

All fee changes were agreed at the 2018 AGM, with the exception of the one-month reduction for Juniors, which is subject to approval at this years AGM.

Finally, we are in the process of finalising the details of a reward scheme to reward any member who introduces someone new to the club. More information will be available in due course.

April Matches

By |2019-05-03T15:12:28+01:00May 3rd, 2019|News|

Unfortunately quite a few matches had to be postponed in April due to various reasons; these have been rearranged for later in the year.

However, Ladies 1, Ladies 2, Ladies Vets, and Mens 2 have all managed a win.

The Ladies Vets team got off to a good start by beating East Dorset 8-0 thanks to Jo Jones, Kirsty Holmes, Jackie Yorke and Kate Harris. Ladies 2 have already played 2 of their summer season matches, beating Southbourne 2, 8-0 (Rachael Best, Sarah Winter, Carol Young and Vicki Stein), but losing to St Leonards 1 by 6-2.

On the last day of April Ladies 1 had an excellent win against Bournemouth Gardens (Cleo Reid, Kirsty Holmes, Mel Castagna and Jo Jones) with Cleo playing her first match since having surgery on her shoulder. The match ended all square on rubbers but Southbourne managed to win that vital extra set which gave us the win (4 points to 2)

On the same night Mens 2 (Owain Gosling, Nigel Carter, Marcin Paluch and Russell Barnes) also had a very good win against St Leonards 5 ( who played 1 of their 2nd team players!) winning 6-2.

Schools’ Tournament

By |2019-05-02T21:20:55+01:00May 2nd, 2019|News|

Please note that we will be hosting our annual primary school tournament between 12.30-3.15pm on Tuesday, 7 May.

We have almost 100 children attending plus student helpers, teachers and parents. The courts are booked out for that time and the club will be a busy hive of excitement as young children try their hand at tennis, some of them for the very first time.

SCORERS – we need about 4-6 more volunteers to help score the matches so if you’re free to assist, please speak to Dave who would be most grateful for the extra help.

We will be running the kitchen throughout the afternoon offering cakes and teas/coffees. If anyone can spare an hour to assist, drop me a line (07971 267631). I don’t receive replies to this email) and if any bakers out there are able to donate a cake, again please let me know. All help is very much appreciated!

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