1.Web site
Adam Spicer has very kindly reviewed and revised our current website and it is now ready for you to look at. Work is still being done on the shopping feature as well as some other areas. We are aware that some of the images are low resolution and these will be updated when we have better ones available.
The url for the website is: http://www.
We would be very grateful if you would take the opportunity to have a look at it. Please let us know if there are any obvious mistakes,alterations, omissions etc and any other comments that you have.
Thank you in advance for your help and feedback -we look forward to hearing from you. Please send your comments directly to Adam Spicer adamspicer72@gmail.com by Friday 8th March.
2.Membership Working Group
We are delighted that so many of you responded to our request to work alongside the Committtee to explore the issues around membership. We are looking forward to working with more of you as we continue to undertake the actions arising from this during the production of the Club Business Development Plan.
This is the next area that we need to focus our attention on. So far we have been unable to identify the best way of taking this forward as currently we do not have any expertise to benefit from.
So this is a heartfelt plea – talk to the people that you usually play with, see if they have any ideas or know anyone who might be interested in this important element of our club. In the first instance we would look to establish a short term working group but in the longer term the Committee feel that we may need to recruit an additional member whose remit would be to lead on this vital function of the club.
Please give this some serious thought and get back to us as soon as you are able to.
Thank you for your support.
Susie Grainger