Thank you to everyone who took part in this season’s Box League matches. We will be doing our social evening where we hand out medals over a drink or two on Thursday, 25 April, 7pm in Ludo Lounge.
For next season’s Box League, we are planning to change things slightly and are looking for your feedback. If you have any ideas on how we can run this to encourage more people to complete their matches please do drop us a line ( or chat with Sally and Dave. Some ideas that have been discussed are:
– shorter deadline to play, possibly with more than one round
– more movement of players between boxes
– a small fee to cover the umpire’s costs and medals, some to be returned upon completion of matches
– a point system with bonus points for members who complete their matches within the deadline
All ideas most welcome. We don’t want to make it too complicated but are open to trying new ways of running this.