Happy New Year
Now is the time to make those new year resolutions and to contribute to the ongoing success of your tennis club. We really can’t do it without more of you coming forward to help.
VOLUNTEERS URGENTLY NEEDED (opportunities for you to use your skills and make sure the club keeps going!)
*18 January 12noon-2.30pm Scorers for tournament
*Every Saturday 2.30-3.30 pm helpers for learning disability session
*Clubhouse and Grounds Maintenance Team Leader/Co-ordinator (year round)
*Sunday morning maintenance team members (monthly)
*Court brushing team members (when needed but specially in the rainy season!)
*Fund Raising team members (six months in the first instance)
*Marketing team members(six months in the first instance)
Your Committee all give their time willingly to ensure that we can enjoy playing tennis at Southbourne. But sadly it is getting more and more difficult for us to find other people who are willing to come forward and give their time to keeping the club going. We would all be extremely grateful if you would give the above your serious consideration to enable us all to remain confident about the future. Please email and/ or talk to any of us to let us know how you can help.
Thank you very much for your co-operation, I look forward to hearing from you.
Susie and the Committee