We are fast approaching the time for our next Annual General Meeting which will be held on Monday 14th October 2019.
A full agenda and a proxy form to allow you to vote even if you cannot attend the meeting will be up on the website shortly, however some things we will be covering include;
– An update on our application for charitable status
– The trend in membership numbers
– 2020/21 club fees
The AGM is the best opportunity for you to hear what progress the club has made and what we hope will be happening over the next year and beyond. It is also your opportunity to be heard and as a member we really appreciate your thoughts and energy to help make the club even better.
The club committee has undergone significant change over the last year, with four new members, so if you wish to meet them, and understand what they have to say, please come along.
As required by our revised Memorandum and Articles of association all of the club committee will be standing down at the AGM, however all of them will be standing for immediate re-election and this is an important procedural matter. This of course allows potential for anyone else who is interested in becoming involved, so please let myself or Susie Grainger know if you are interested in getting involved.
Lastly, we have a decent team of people who keep on top of maintenance around the club, however we have a burning need for someone to help co-ordinate this and if you are interested, please let us know.