Southbourne Tennis Club News


By |2020-06-05T22:34:23+01:00March 27th, 2020|News|

Tennis guidelines

‘Return to restricted play’ 31 May 2020

Following the further easing of lockdown restrictions announced on Thursday the LTA have published updated guidelines which we received today.

This includes the resumption of doubles for players from different households and small group coaching being allowed as long as social distancing continues to be adhered to.

It is also expected that measures to maintain hygiene and minimise interaction with others remain in place.

Club Committees are enabled to take local factors into account when advising members of these changes. So we would like to advise you of the following:

  • all courts are now open for booking
  • where possible aim to play in fixed fours i.e. the same people each time
  • continue to use your own racquet and balls
  • the coaches will continue to offer one to one coaching at the moment
  • no group or open club sessions will resume
  • we will inform you should this alter
  • when you leave and enter the court maintain the two metre distance wherever possible
  • avoid passing too close to other players when, if , you change ends
  • the club house will remain closed
  • use hand sanitiser before and after play
  • leave the court on time to allow time for the next players to arrive
  • please read guidelines on LTA website

We are grateful to all of you for your co-operation and understanding during these ongoing challenging times. We hope very much that you will take advantage of these new opportunities to play tennis.Thank you for your ongoing support.

Southbourne Tennis Club

Chairpersons Update March 2020 – Club is closed until further notice

By |2020-03-23T16:35:08+00:00March 23rd, 2020|News|

Chairpersons Update March 2020
Coronavirus Alert

Club is closed until further notice.

Following on from the emails that you have already received and the notices displayed around the club, the Committee and I are now giving all members ,friends and guests formal notice that the club is closed until further notice.

We have also closed down the Clubspark booking system and are intending to change the entry system to the main door to ensure your safety at this very difficult time. As a registered LTA venue we are following their advice and using their regular updates to inform our decisions.

We are aware that fresh air and exercise are vital to our health and well being and that some of you may choose to use the courts . Should you do so you should be aware of the club insurance policy which is the standard Public and Employers Liability policy recommended by the LTA and administered through Hiscox Insurance on their behalf . The important section to note is as follows:

  • All individuals who take part ,either as administrators,coaches or participants have a Duty of Care to ensure that they do not cause injury or financial loss to anyone or damage to anyones’ property.
  • In addition to this if you do decide to carry on playing be advised of the following:
    • courts are only available on a first come, first served (pun intended) basis
    • you must provide your own tennis balls
    • the clubhouse is closed so there is no access to the kitchen,toilets or showers
    • wash your hands before and after playing, without exception, using hand gel
    • only use your own racquet
    • clean and wipe down the equipment including racquets, benches,n et handles

In the meantime the Committee and I are continuing to carry on with ensuring that when play can recommence the club will be ready for you. Work in progress includes replacing the clubhouse lights with LEDs to reduce the electricity bills, cleaning the carpet which is showing signs of wear and tear, repairing/replacing the clubhouse back door leading onto courts 1-3, finalising the new lease arrangements with BPC Council and getting our heads around our revised responsibilities as Charity Trustees.

The end of year accounts are in the process of being completed and we continue to actively review how we can ensure our ongoing financial health so that we can look ahead with confidence in our future.

Thank you for your understanding as together we face the challenges of the present and future. Stay well, fit and positive and we look forward very much to seeing you all on court as soon as possible.

Corona Virus Club update

By |2020-03-21T12:33:03+00:00March 21st, 2020|News|

Dear member

I hope you are well. We are getting regular info and advice from the LTA and the government regarding the Coronavirus. They have advised for tennis in Britain to be suspended. We therefore have to advise members that if they wish to play tennis they do so at their own risk and that the use of the clubhouse should be limited as much as possible. There will be no official club sessions during this time.

Following yesterday’s update from the government please
ensure that if you or anyone within their household has a high temperature and/or a new, persistent cough that they self-isolate the whole household for 14 days.

There is further guidance here:

If you are going to continue playing please would you take the following steps to make sure we are keeping everyone as safe as possible;
*Please can you wash hands before and after sessions or wear gloves
*Please limit time spent in the clubhouse
*Please can players remember to bring and use only your own rackets so equipment isn’t shared in any way.

We will keep you up to date with latest information via email and facebook.

Please note that all upcoming events such as the Quiz night will be postponed.

Keep safe

The committee

Skydive in aid of Disability Tennis

By |2020-02-28T17:16:22+00:00February 28th, 2020|News|

I have taken on the role to do a skydive for Southbourne Tennis Club, on the 13th of March, to raise money for Disability tennis. This can help donate some equipment for the tennis club meaning it will make tennis possible to those who may have never had the chance to play before. Tennis is an amazing sport so I would love it if a little bit of bravery can give opportunities for many people to experience the joy of tennis!

Since 2012 Southbourne Tennis Club have been giving the opportunity to many people with different impairments and disabilities to participate in tennis. The club currently has over 100 participants a month who have an impairment or disability. We would like to continue and expand the work we currently doing to guarantee opportunities for all.

Thank you for reading my story.

If you would like to support me please donate at

Shuei Belcher

Chairpersons Update ( version two) February 2020

By |2020-02-14T15:12:10+00:00February 14th, 2020|News|

Good news, social events for the diary and an important point to note

Web site

A huge thank you to Adam Spicer who has spent many hours revising, editing and improving the overall site . It is now live and I would like to encourage you to have a look and let us have your feedback. We will do our best to ensure that it remains accurate and relevant but we do rely on your help to do this. Thank you in advance for your comments.

Social events

Saturday 21st March at The Bournemouth International Centre – Adam Spicer is about to undertake a major personal challenge by taking part in a Boxing match in front of 1500 people to raise money for cancer research in memory of his Dad ,his Grandad and his Uncle Kazuo all of whom who passed away recently from cancer. Top two largest (must be large!!!) donations will be able to: 1. Nominate his ring name! 2. Choose his walk out music!

His JustGiving page is at There is also space for four businesses to have their logos printed on the shirt that he’ll box in. A donation of at least £50 is required to do this! Please be generous! Finally, he will have a VIP table reserved for anyone who would like support him on the night. You’ll be close to the ring, have waiter/waitress service and you can cheer him on! It’s £40 per person and includes entry. Please contact Adam directly for more details.

Saturday 4th April Clubhouse 6.45 for 7 pm £ 10pp

Puzzles and Brainteasers Quiz Night with Fish and Chip Supper. Carolyn and Stewart Day are kindly following on their very successful quiz night last year with a slightly different set of questions and hopefully your correct answers! Sign up sheet on the notice board. Book early to avoid disappointment as numbers are limited.

A point to note £££

Sadly in spite of several requests for help no one has volunteered to take on the role of Grounds and Clubhouse Maintenance Person. So unless this changes within the next few weeks the Committee will have little choice but to consider making it into a paid role BUT this will impact on all members as we will have to find the money to pay for someone to do the work. We are in discussion about whether to ask you all for donations in the first instance as well as raising the annual membership fees.

We will keep you informed but in the mean time please let us know if you have any other ideas of how we can move ahead with confidence that the courts, grounds and club house can be maintained appropriately and crucially ensure that we remain compliant with all health and safety requirements.

Thank you to Peter Richardson, John Woodham and co for all their very hard work in the past.

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