Southbourne Tennis Club News

Southbourne Tennis Club AGM 2020

By |2020-09-29T17:59:59+01:00September 29th, 2020|News|

We are fast approaching the time for our next Annual General Meeting which will be held on Monday 19th October 2020 at 7pm. As you will understand, things are somewhat different this year and it seems highly unlikely that our normal meeting at the clubhouse will be possible. We therefore intend to run this year’s meeting virtually, using Zoom (Max attendees 100!). We will provide further details in due course, however if you are not currently familiar with Zoom can I suggest you take a search around online for this as our I.T. helpdesk capacity is small!
A full agenda and a proxy form to allow you to vote even if you cannot attend the meeting will be up on the website shortly, however some things we will be covering include;
– The need for additional committee members
– The trend in membership numbers
– 2020/21 club fees
– Re-appointment of Membership Secretary
– Retirement of Chairperson – and we have no replacement…can anyone help?
– Maintenance – the need to employ someone.
The AGM is the best opportunity for you to hear what progress the club has made and what we hope will be happening over the next year and beyond. It is also your opportunity to be heard and as a member we really appreciate your thoughts and energy to help make the club even better.
If you wish to ask any questions, please contact me using the details below.
Many thanks,

Daniel Light
Southbourne Tennis Club

Club Sessions – an update and plea

By |2020-09-15T21:03:03+01:00September 15th, 2020|News|

Letter to adult members 120920

I am sorry to trouble you with yet another email, but there is a clear need for the committee to convey some messages to all members.
The club sessions have restarted but there are a number of concerns. Members are not always making a booking and are simply arriving at the club. Each session needs to have a designated leader or ‘owner’ who ensures certain things happen (details later) – yet we have had almost no volunteers to take up this responsibility at any session.

The committee are currently working very hard to ensure the club follows LTA and Government guidelines, and that club sessions can take place, but we can only do so much – and we are volunteers, not paid staff.

In order to try and help members, you will see below specific links for every club session. By using the link in your browser, you should be able to get more speedily and directly to the session you wish to book. We will continue to provide support for those few members who do not use email or clubspark. However, we cannot continue to run club sessions without there being a designated owner or leader for each one. This involves collecting/distributing balls from the clubhouse, encouraging members to use the sanitiser available, noting any members who attend and have not booked beforehand, and setting limits on the number of games played if members are waiting to play.

Unless we have some people prepared to take this minor but critical responsibility at each club session, there is a very real danger that we will have to suspend club sessions. The committee – already depleted by two missing heads – can do no more, we are already working hard and need others to get involved.

Many thanks

The Committee

The individual links to the sessions are here.


1. In your browser go to copy and paste link below for the session you wish to book for and follow items 2-12

For Monday 10-12 a.m. green session, 3 courts, 14 places

For Monday 7-9 p.m. team members only, 3 courts, 14 places

For Tuesday 9-11a.m. red session, 4 courts, 18 places

For Wednesday 6-8 p.m. green session, 4 courts, 18 places

For Thursday 6-8 p.m. red session,3 courts, 14 places

For Friday 8.30-10.15 a.m. green and red session,4 courts, 18 places

For Friday 10.30-12.15 a.m. green and red session,4 courts, 18 places

For Sunday 10-12 a.m. green and red session ,3 courts,14 places

2. Southbourne Tennis club club session booking page will come up
3. Tick the box of the date you wish to book
4. Click on book now
5. Sign in as usual on Clubspark
6. Click on your name so that you are recognised as a member, make sure it says member if not click change
7. Tick the box to agree to the terms and conditions
8. Press ‘check out’
9. Please note that the system will only allow you to book for one week in advance.
10. No bookings can be done on the day of the session
11. You will receive an email to confirm your booking
12. If you make an error with booking or need to cancel please contact Colin.

Coronavirus (Covid-19) – latest update 10/09/2020

By |2020-09-15T21:01:33+01:00September 15th, 2020|News|

Following guidance published by the Government for the phased return of sport and recreation, the LTA has developed an updated set of practical guidelines for venues, coaches, players and officials/competitions. Key additions and updates to the guidelines have been clearly marked below.

This version of the guidance has been updated to provide clarity on group activity after the Government confirmed that organised group tennis activity that is currently permitted in line with LTA COVID-19 Secure guidelines, can continue to take place, both indoors and oudoors. For clarity, from Monday 14 September:

Organised tennis activity for larger groups, including coached sessions, club nights and competitions is permitted by the Government as an exception to the limit of six, and so can continue, provided that venues, coaching providers and event organisers follow LTA COVID-19 secure guidelines

These guidelines apply to tennis, and outline adaptations and considerations so that tennis and associated activity can be enjoyed in a way that is in line with Government advice and helps to prevent the spread of COVID-19. They include measures to maintain hygiene and minimise unnecessary interactions with others.

These guidelines apply to England only, and have been produced to help venues, coaches, players and officials operate in line with the Government guidance. The full guidelines can be downloaded by copy and pasting this link—latest-advice/ – please ensure you read the relevant guidelines in full.

Many thanks for your patience and cooperation during this time.

Southbourne Tennis Club

How to book a tennis club session

By |2020-09-07T18:48:43+01:00September 7th, 2020|News|

A few days ago you should have received an email advising you that our club sessions are due to restart on 7th September, and that all sessions would need to be booked online via the Clubspark system.

This is a follow up email containing the details of how to complete a booking. Please read this carefully before starting the process.


1. In your browser go to ‘‘ and follow items 2-13 below or copy and paste this link this link into your browser

2. Southbourne Tennis club page will come up
3. Sign in as usual on Clubspark
4. Your name will come up
5. Press ‘Coaching’
6. Underneath this will be Coaching sessions. This is how you book onto club sessions
7. Search for your session(s)
8. Click on the one you wish to book
9. Tick the box
10. Click on book now
11. Click on your name so that you are recognised as a member
12. Tick the box to agree to the terms and conditions
13. Press ‘check out’
14. Please note that the system will only allow you to book for one week in advance.
15. No bookings can be done on the day of the session
16. You will receive an email to confirm your booking
17. If you make an error with booking or need to cancel please contact Colin

Southbourne Tennis Club Adult box league | Sign up now for friendly competitive matches (deadline: October 4th)!

By |2020-09-07T18:46:58+01:00September 7th, 2020|News|

Hi tennis players,

On October 5th, we are launching a new internal box league competition at Southbourne Tennis Club.

This new league will be available and managed by a new mobile app called ‘Scala Sports’. This will allow members to easily contact opponents and record results via their phones. The league is open to members of all levels and is a perfect way to meet other members of a similar standard to play friendly competitive matches.

How does it work?
The round runs October 5th- November 29th (8 WEEKS)
You are organised into a group with 4 opponents of a similar standard
You play 1 match against each opponent in your group
You determine when matches are played (in consultation with your opponents)
How do I join?
Download the free Scala Sports app (iOS or Android)
Go to Leagues
Search and join the league: Southbourne – Mixed Singles
On the start date of the round (October 5th), you will receive a notification/email and your opponents will be visible in the app. Let us know if you have any questions/concerns, for specific questions related to the Scala app please reach out to

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